Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Paint like Georgia O'Keeffe


Today I'm posting a quick catch up of what I've been up to. I had a great night 'Painting like Georgia O'Keefe' with Something Less Boring via Zoom. £5 for two and half hours of great tutorial. In London you can hardly get a beer for that. The participants were from all over the world and it was great to hear some say they had their first snow of the year or they were off to put the tea on when I was getting ready for bed. 

Here's mine next to the reference photo of O'Keeffe's Jimson Weed. It made me really appreciate the skill needed to get the sharp lines and smooth blending. It's a style that really appeals to me. I have a painting on the go (that's been waiting for over a year to be finished) in a not dissimilar style.

I've fallen behind a bit with the challenge for Kim Herringe's gel plate monoprinting course participants.

19. Book

20. Cake

These photos are of the exact same print. The top layer was printed using irridescent gold paint, which becomes more or less obvious as you tilt the print. If you look carefully you can see the tiered cake shapes underneath the flowers.

21. Banana

This one took me a bit out of my comfort zone as the colours feel very uncomfotable to me. I think it's rather ugly but hopefully it does have the essence of a banana.

I'm off to see if I can catch up with a bit more printing. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a great week wherever you are xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire, busy again! Your painting is amazing, no wonder you're so pleased with it. Loving the Gel prints too. Take care and happy creative week, Angela xXx


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