Sunday 23 February 2020

London twilight

Hi there
Today I'm sharing the second of my attempts at a landscape on the Gelli plate. I have a friend who works in an office tower in London who is wonderful for sending me pictures of clouds. Over the last few months I have many photos of the same scene in different weather conditions. (I think I'm just missing snow.)

I think I managed to get a bit more abstract with this one and mostly resisted the temptation to fiddle.

The very tiny points of light were added direct to the paper with a pin, but the rest was pulled from the plate.

I'm sure this view will feature again.

Hope you are having a lovely day. Happy crafting xx

Friday 21 February 2020

Monoprinting landscapes

And now for something completely different! I was fortunate to get an 8x10" gel plate for my birthday and have been inspired to have a go at landscapes. Especially landscapes with lots of clouds which are a particular interest.

I used PaperArtsy Fresco Finish acrylic paint as it dries quickly, but also added a few drops of the retarder at times if it was drying a little too quickly.

My first go was inspired by a trip to Robin Hood's Bay, N. Yorkshire on a blustery October day when the tide was out. I love the dull bleakness of the coast in winter.


In my head monoprinting is going to help me loosen up my art. In reality I still tinkered around with sponges and cut up credit cards for a few finer details. It's a work in progress!

If any of you have tips for monoprinting landscapes I'd really welcome them. I'm mostly making it up as I go along with a bit of YouTube searching.

Thank you for stopping by xx

Saturday 15 February 2020

Haring around

I was given the fabulous lino cut hares by Hobby Art for my birthday. I must confess I couldn't resist playing with them before the actual date. I experimented quite a bit before getting the pieces below, and it involved a lot of masking. The backgrounds are gel prints created using ink.

The images were then stamped on top in Archival ink and some white gel pen added for highlights.

The more I look the more I see scope for some improvements in composition. I'll just have to have another go sometime.

Thank you for taking a look. I really do welcome your comments.

Have a lovely day xx

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Elephant Encounters

A quick post showing another elephant card I made with Giogiocraft's gel printing book and stencils. I love how it looks like layers but everything within, and including, the red rectangle is in fact flat.

Huge birthday wishes to my husband xxx